Comparison between Various Materials of Construction for Cooling Towers
Cooling towers can be made from a large variety of materials of construction. A small comparison between Concrete, FRP and timber highlights the difference between them and their relative advantages and disadvantages:
Quality: Available Timber of
Low Grade
Cost of installation and Running: Low Installation Cost
and High Running Cost
O & M: High
Length of Members: small
Bio decay by fungus: Decay due to fungus, Algae and bacteria
Repair & Replacement: Very frequent
Life: 5 years
Environment Impact: Wood logging and treatment of wood plays havoc with environment
In FRP SS Splash bar type cooling tower, it can perform in any type of atmospheric condition & can bear temperature up to 100 ℃ of water recirculation.
This tower can perform even with hard water. There is no deterioration of splash bars throughout the life.
SS splash bar cooling tower do not require periodic replacement of PVC fills.
SS splash bar cooling tower do not require periodic replacement of nozzles as it does not have it.
The maintenance cost for the tower is very low as there is no replacement of fills & nozzles and therefore no company personnel is required at your site for maintenance.
Your existing cooling tower has nasty & complicated maintenance whereas SS splash bar type has clean, easy & user friendly maintenance.
SS splash bar cooling tower gives performance consistently for much larger time than later.
It is more efficient than your existing cooling tower & gives better performance due to better heat exchanging.
Can work at temperatures up to 100⁰c.
SS splash bar cooling tower can work even with untreated hard water without drop in performance.
Last but not the list SS splash bar has maximum life expectancy of more than 25 years where as your existing cooling tower has life expectancy of 20 years.